"TOhardwarerejuvenation"- today this phrase is on everyone's lips. Using hardware influences indermatologyAlsoeliminatecutaneousdemonstrationsseriousdiseases. We have a whole army of beauty at our service! Does it serve us faithfully? "K&Z"speakWithexpertteacherIgor Pinson.

During the interview, Igor Yakovlevich Pinson shows slides on a computer monitor, flips through medical books and tours the offices: "We have all the hardware methods that are used in dermatology. Excimer laser, excimer light, all kinds of phototherapy, different types of blue light, all types of laser and non-laser energy sources, radio wave sources". . . . Our interlocutor is a repository of scientific knowledge (his doctoral thesis is dedicated to the correction of the immunopathological mechanisms of psoriasis using an excimer laser), an owner with rich practical experience and a professional infinitely passionate about his work: "Just as there is no a second Taganka or Lenkom Theater, a cosmetology clinic can be one of "kind! "
In addition to running a high-tech clinic, Igor Yakovlevich is engaged in training doctors and is the editor-in-chief of the prestigious medical publication "Laser Dermatology and Cosmetology" (our version of a foreign magazine). Together with several companies, he is involved in research and development of new methods: "Lately we tested the method of using cold plasma as an alternative to laser exposure. "
The clinic is totally specialized in dermatology. Surely you take on difficult cases?
IP:We deal with the most difficult and complex cases. This is not just psoriasis, vitiligo, acne, rosacea. We treat patients with Devergie's disease (pityriasis versicolor pilaris), pemphigus, which many clinics are afraid to even touch.
We always carry out a thorough examination of the skin, if necessary, using ultrasound and 3D diagnostic methods. We inform each patient in detail about his or her illness, maintain a detailed medical history with a description of the local condition, and issue a comprehensive advisory opinion.
Unfortunately, people do not always receive the appropriate treatment for their illness. For example, for psoriasis, you may be prescribed very powerful fourth-class hormonal drugs without having yet used third-class drugs. . .
Do you have more patients with dermatological diseases? What about solving purely aesthetic problems: elimination of wrinkles, unification of skin tone, rejuvenation?
IP:As for the ratio of the number of patients, I would say 50: 50. As for cosmetology, the fact of the matter is that we often treat it as a way to simply rejuvenate ourselves and do not perceive it as a complex of serious effects and well thought, hence many problems! It is no coincidence that another of our specializations is the correction of complications after hardware procedures. And there are many complications: burns, scars, depigmentation, hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation. . .
For example, a patient came to us after the simplest procedure - hair removal. With an incredible burn at the tattoo site. Only the doctor who performed the procedure did not know that this type of laser treatment cannot "touch" the artificial pigment.
I would like the professional level of some doctors to not be limited to the information received from those responsible for sales of cosmetology equipment who have commercial objectives.
Shouldn't a specialist have a certificate of professional use for a specific device? Distributors say the opposite. . .
IP:When you buy a new car, do you take driving lessons again to be able to drive a car of this specific brand? . . . Of course not! You already know what a car is, you are an experienced user.
The same in cosmetology: there is the concept of CO2-laser, erbium laser: these lasers are the same everywhere. The doctor must know a priori what they are.
Of course, each device has its own specific characteristics, which it is necessary to obtain information about when making a purchase. But a special certificate for each device. . . Only a knowledgeable doctor can decide which equipment manufacturer is acceptable to him. If there is no medical knowledge, no certificate will help.
If it were up to me, I would drastically reduce the number of institutions that train doctors. I would do it like in the Soviet Union, when there were a limited number of educational units: with an academic focus, qualified personnel and an adequate material and technical base. Nowadays only lazy people do not teach cosmetology.
In our country, almost all literature on hardware methods is published by equipment distribution companies. For the most part, it does not contain educational information, but rather a presentation of the capabilities of a particular device. Therefore, we have to approach books critically.
I would like to believe that doctors still have the opportunity to make qualitative and, so to speak, objective improvement. Otherwise it becomes awkward. . .
IP:We are currently at the First Moscow State Medical University named after him. Sechenov organized a training center, within the framework of which, without any connection with manufacturers of hardware equipment (the training center should be exclusively educational and not pursue any marketing interests! ), we provide dermatologists and cosmetologists with the knowledge that they need so much.
We recently had a big event: we invited Professor Aryeh Orenstein, director of the Institute of New Medical Technologies, president of the Israeli Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (read the interview with Dr. Orenstein in the September issue of K&Z. - Ed. ) - This is an undisputed professional authority, the person who was the first in the world to use lasers for cosmetological needs. The whole day he was dedicated to one topic (and not just one device! ): The correction of vascular formations. The teacher gave master classes.
I think it is still important to highlight that, despite the existing difficulties, we have many excellent dermatologists and cosmetologists.
IP:Undoubtedly! Don't exaggerate too much. We really have enough competent and experienced specialists. There are problems, we have pointed them out, but they are not unique.
By the way, the situation in the West is no better. If, say, in our country only a doctor, a specialist with higher medical education, has the right to perform laser hair removal, then it can be performed there by a person who has attended short-term training courses.
Now we are talking about the importance of training doctors. What do you think that even in today's professional publications it is written: in the foreseeable future, devices will reach such a level of perfection that it will be possible to perform procedures practically without the participation of a specialist?
IP:This is fundamentally wrong. Many doctors place completely unjustified hopes on protocols (instructions, prescriptions based on a statistical summary of the manufacturer's medical experience, a large number of clinical cases. - Ed. ) for performing procedures.
It's like a surgeon asking for a protocol for a scalpel (when it all depends on your hands, knowledge of anatomy, etc. )! So, there is a physics of the process of interaction between a laser beam and a tissue - biophysics, a cosmetologist must know it.
Based on existing knowledge, you will use one or another hardware method or a combination thereof.
Hardware cosmetology is a very broad layer of knowledge. Maybe it makes sense to have cosmetologists with a narrow specialization?
IP:I don't believe it. There is a separate specialty - "cosmetology", and a cosmetologist must be able to do everything that is within her sphere of competence. She can't be a left big toe specialist!
The doctor must have clinical thinking and understand how different methods interact. For example, to correct involutional changes (aging - editor's note) of the skin, some devices are not enough; Other procedures are also needed: biorevitalization, contour plastic surgery. . .
I will continue with the topic of medical competence. Recently, on the pages of our publication, one of the prominent specialists said that the hands and head of a doctor are paramount. And the novelty of the equipment used can take a backseat. Do you agree with this?
IP:No, I'm not agree. The hands and head of a doctor are necessary, but not sufficient. A smarter doctor using an older device will not remove a tattoo effectively. Our direction is developing very quickly. The technical specifications of the equipment change every two years.
Of course, a bad specialist, even having a super advanced device at his disposal, will not do anything good for the patient. But there can be no compromise between a highly qualified doctor and not the most suitable team.
Everything is in the hands of new technologies! A doctor who closely follows innovation will rise to the occasion.
Here in our clinic you see two versions of the same device only one year apart. Because? Because we value our customers very much and, with all our desire and talent, we cannot squeeze a function out of the previous version device that it simply does not have.
Igor Yakovlevich and the last question. Please provide recommendations to our readers who are considering hardware procedures for choosing a clinic.
IP:Of course, I will say: "Go to a well-equipped specialized clinic, and not to a small cosmetology with two devices, where they do a little of everything and perform hardware procedures in between. "
A common cause of complications lies precisely in the insufficient equipment of a medical institution: when doctors try to solve certain problems using a device that is not intended for this purpose.
Get as much information as possible about the specialists working in the clinic; Thanks to the Internet, this is easy to do.
Pay attention to who runs the institution: the wife of a rich person who wants to become the owner of a beautiful business, or a top professional.
Today the patient must make the choice with great responsibility and be critical to avoid disappointments and problems!
in a note
- Laser is an acronym: Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation: light amplification by induced (stimulated) radiation. The history of the laser dates back to 1916, when Albert Einstein developed his theory of how radiation interacts with matter.
- There are different types of laser treatments.. "So, we can talk about cold, warm, hot ablation (ablation is the evaporation of the superficial layer of the skin with laser radiation. - Ed. ) or no ablation, " says I. Ya. Pinson. To eliminate fine wrinkles, one laser procedure is needed, and to smooth deep skin wrinkles, another. The decision on this or that effect is made after a thorough diagnosis.
- Is it better to leave keloid (raised) scars intact?Many clinics will answer yes to this question. However, keloids (for example, a scar resulting from a failed piercing) are removed, and successfully! Everything, as always, depends on the competence and experience of the doctor, as well as the equipment used.
- Can laser resurfacing deplete the skin's resources and cause premature aging?"This is complete nonsense! "- says I. Y. Pinson. — Unless you constantly have laser procedures performed, with or without reason. Also, "drainage" is not a medical term. "The laser procedure (like any other) should be used strictly according to indications and have a pathogenetically justified effect. "